~ a community experience where deep bonds of affection and sacred acceptance weave the space in which to embrace our humanity as the context of our spirituality.
TADATMYA: Devotional Alliance is the natural outgrowth of the book and tour Radical Personalism: Revival Manifesto for Proactive Devotion by Swami Padmanabha. This book, which “ends” with a series of questions that begs a response of enacted radical personalism, is itself the result of a seeker’s own churning heart. This devotional alliance is the sacred space which is both necessary for and created by like-hearted people stepping into that arena.
If we accept all the responsibility we are capable of and face everything we need to, who would we become? And how would the world transform around us?
Tadatmya: Devotional Alliance is a gathering of hearts, unified through a mystical circling ’round the call of Radical Personalism.
Embracing Uncertainty, Risk and Emotional Exposure as a source of Empowerment
Carving Out Our Full Humanity in the Context of Our Spirituality
Everything is One, but Never Impersonal
Remaining Epistemologically Modest
Embracing Mystery, Uncertainty and Paradox as the Basis of Faith
Attentively Listening to the Person on the other side of Prayer with Dynamic Presence
Acknowledging the Sacred Purpose of the World and God’s Immediate Presence
~ a community experience where deep bonds of affection and sacred acceptance weave the space in which to embrace our humanity as the context of our spirituality.
~ If you feel inspired , consider making a financial contribution. TADATMYA Sangha and Radhikal Personalism are the outward faces of IN GOD WE TRUST, INC, a 501(c)3 tax exempt corporation.
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